Grave Robbing

The misfits reembarked aboard their airship.  After most of the party went below deck to rest. Vael and Hank stayed above board and spotted a green dragon flying around the ship.  It attacked firing its poison breath.  Lurker eventually casted a earthbind spell and luckily they lost the dragon in the clouds.  They rested up and the crew flew them to Flint rock where they found the Mithril Spear tip.  They jumped aboard the airship and headed toward Grandfather tree. 

Shining White

The Airship lowered into shining white, a large open area with a large Griffon shaped mound. In the top end of the mound is a large 280' white spire.  When the party landed they found a camp sight that was abandon and looked at least a month old.  They saw footprints heading toward the spire and found the entrance to a cave.  The cave had a tunnel that curved around and spilled into a large round chamber.  On one of the walls was a solid archway, next to it was a group of glyphs.  The party recognized the glyphs as the hierarchy of giants and when they pressed it in the correct order the archway disappeared and the party passed through


In the second chamber the party found three balls in a room with an inscription. Dronash, Lurker and Tonk each grabbed a ball and were immediately cursed. It took some time but the party figured out what the curses were and when they did the second archway opened. 


The group moved forward and found a fork one tunnel leading left the other was right. 

The party found a mirror in one chamber. In that chamber they ended up releasing a Troll, and a and 4 armed gargoyle.  After more experimentation Vael was -BAMF'd- in the mirror where he saw other people were residing.  Lurker attacked the mirror and broke it;  it spilled out its contents.  In the mirror was a minotaur who was going to attack the party until another adventurer in the mirror told it to halt.  It was then when Lurker was attacked by an invisible stalker.  After defeating the elemental the party moved toward the other room.  When they entered the room they saw three doors with words written on it. 


Very Scary

Not Scary at All


The party decided to open the 'Scary' door and found an undead Beholder.  It nearly took out Cheesecake with one of its eye beams.

In the door marked Not Scary at All a Gelatinous Cube attacked Hank.  After they destroyed the cube Dronash decided he wanted to taste it.  Smh

Tonk suggested the party rest but Lurker and Hank decided to open the third door. 

They opened the door and it revealed nothing.  However, a young green dragon appeared behind them and blasted the group with its poison breath. 

After turning into a large snake Lurker grappled the dragon and Dronash stunned him with a few choice hits. 

They dispatched the dragon and the party decided to take a breath. 

Sailing Away

A large Airship floated down toward the Misfits.  The crew aboard hailed the adventurers.  They unenthusiastically let the party know they were sent by Klauth.  Klauth has been watching tracking the movements of Harshnag and the adventurers caught his eye as well.  He offered his airship to help speed up the collection of artifacts and said to visit him afterward to get his reward. 

The Misfits climb aboard and take a tour of the airship.  While aboard they meet a Wood elf swordmaster who introduced himself as Cheesecake. 

After the ship took off they quickly found themselves in a great windstorm. The crew stay within the ship and entertained themselves wagering on fights.  Tonk and Lurker fought a crew members and won.  Dronash stepped into the ring and Cheesecake fought with him.  The match was going in Dronash's favor until Cheesecake aimed a kick at Dronash's nuts.  Where upon Dronash unleashed his lightening breath at Cheesecake.  Cheesecake drew his rapier and unleashed a flurry of strikes.  Dronash disarmed Cheesecake with a well placed kick and the two called a truce. 

The following day the ship continued sailing and was attacked by a manticore.  The crew and party dispatched it with ease. 

Shortly thereafter the airship landed at Shining White.

The All Father

After resting in the room with Harshnag the party started searching the dinning hall. In it they found the missing Frost Giant Axe and while exploring were attacked by a HUGE Remorhaz.  This massive creature attacked the party.  They quickly realized hitting it caused them to burn. 

It beat the hell out of the party as they worked together to attack it.  Well, except for Dronash who ran toward the axe the whole time.

After he touched the axe disappeared and they heard Harshnag say the axe was back!

The Misfits dispatched the monster and joined Harshnag in the room with the portal.  It opened and they passed through to meet with the All Father.

In the room they found a long dead Cloud Giant named Eigeron.  He told them the story of how he was killed by his father. 

The party discovered they could ask question of the All Father but could only as Six per day.



Lurker asked questions and received his answers.  They discovery that to get more information on the Ordening and the conflict that is taking place they must become friends of Giants by bringing vestiges owned by the Giant Lords. 

They asked Harshnah and the Giant told them where to find the items. He made them a map.

He told them he was going to stick around the Temple and wait for them to come back.  As they exited the cave they noticed something floating their direction in the sky

Let's Go THIS way!

After resting outside the door Dronash studied the door and found a secret passage avoiding the Ice crusting the door.  With Harshnag's help they pried open the door and found themselves in the middle of a chamber with A large statute in the middle and six statutes facing it.  Each Statute represented a Giant with the center statute as the All-father.  All-father was facing an arch with a mist in the forming in the middle.  The misfits figured out the weapons corresponded to the glyphs around the Arch.  As a weapon was touched to a glyph the glyph would light up and the mist would stir. 


All the weapons touched the glyph except for the Frost giants.  When Harshnag touched his ax to the glyph an ice storm formed above the chamber and pelted the players with large ice stones. 


They explored another chamber and saw a well lit dining hall.  The party decided they didn't need to explore it and headed toward an other room where they found a sleeping chamber.  As they pressed on they triggered a boulder trap.  Everyone in the party avoided the trap except for Hank who took the boulder to the face and was subsequently rendered unconscious.  He was brought back to consciousness and the party explored the upper level where they found a Giant's bag and in it they found a shard of Ice with a Glyph in the middle of it. 


As the Misfits moved on they discovered a tunnel in the wall of one of the rooms.  They discovered it was an Ice Spider cave.  They explored the tunnel and found the missing Berserker barbarian who saw the amulet of her chieftain around Vael's neck.  She was freed grabbed the nearest stick and attacked the group.  They quickly sent her to join the rest of the berserkers.


They followed the tunnel and fought a group of spiders.  Lurker changed in to a Ice spider and fought fellow spiders.

They found the Ice spider queen and destroyed her and the eggs in the lair. At that point they began to rest. 

Knock Knock

The misfits finding themselves surrounded by a group of barbarians make quick work of the threatening group as Harshnag removes a fallen tree blocking the path.  The Group continue into the mountains near the Spine of the World and must leave the cart. 

They climb the mountain and find a cave and Harshnag lets them know this is where they can get to the Hall of the All Father.  When passing through they realize it's between the mountains and a large crevasse is in front of them with a large bridge leading into a separate cave. 

The party enters.

As they enter they realize this place was definitely built for Giants.  They come upon a group of barbarian berserkers and while planning on sneaking up on them the Barbarians heard the group and turned to attack, but not before Hank was turned invisible and quickly dispatched a white dragon wormling that the berserkers had with them. 


The misfits fought these tougher barbarians and eventually defeated them.  They see why the barbarians had stopped. The massive double doors to enter the temple have been iced over.  They decided to rest.

don't make me turn this cart around

Harshnag finished off the Stone Giant and made his acquaintance with the misfits and introduced his protégé: Dronash, A white and blue scaled dragon born Monk. He was traveling with the legendary Frost giant to get 'a little hair on his Dragon nuts'. Harshnag told them about the Temple of the All Father to the north where he and Dronash are going to find out what's going with the Ordining.  The misfits chose to join the giant and move north with him.


The Misfits restocked at silverymoon and continued north. As they camped out they were attacked by a Fomorian to which Dronah became tangled in the Fomorian's entrails.

They continued along the path and found a fallen tree.  As Harshnag starting moving the tree the party found itself surrounded by large group of Barbarians.


But the Cat Came Back

Lurker hunted most of the night.  In the mean time Yip Yip did hid part and skulked around the village looking for things to steal, not seeing any he snuck around seeing what he could see. 

After much discussion, the party scrapped together the 1000 gp to pay for the materials for Vael's resurrection. 


Tonk spoke with Alphie and started to discuss the path toward resurrection and how the process will go.  Hank and Tonk were approached by Sceamer who told them about a traveler who gave her a ring.  This wooden ring pointed toward a buried treasure he left. 

Alpha made the preparation and a tornado appeared.  In the middle of the storm a tabaksi form came into the middle.  In a booming voice Vael heard the call from the other side and when asked whether he is willing to returned to the mortal plain.  He stated: "eh, fine" and came back.

When he returned they reunited with and decided to head south toward waterdeep.

They decided to head south west with the cart.

The Earth Stone

The Misfits dispatched the Thugs and hear the approach of another party.  They passed forward and observed a meeting between the Zhentatrim and a Fire Giant and his cadre.  They mentioned a deal where the Zhent’s would help the fire Giants get the Vonindod Fragments in their attempt to get the adamintine colossus up and working.  Vael sent a message to the bugbears mentioning a possibl betrayal.  the fire giant Gundahella got wind of this and after making the deal w/ the Zhents to release one of it’s prisoners she left off angry and not very convinced of their conviction to help them.


The Misfits continued forward on the road and found their way to Zymorven’s Hall where Vael entertained the crowd and publicly was enjoyed by a rather old crone looking for a quick one. 

Tonk met a fellow follower of Olidammara and they bartered for a couple of healing potions. 


Vael noticed the castle was well decorated and determined the decorations were animated, hence the lack of guards in the castle. 

The party rested there before heading to Old stone.


When they made it to Old Stone the following day the find a mound with a 15 ton stone on it.  Vael investigated the stone and determined it’s properties and found a way to shrink the stone.  As he was studying the stone, two Cultist followers of DODKONG erupted from the ground mounted on Buellete’s challenging the party to stop what they’re doing and after seeing the stone shrink the Cultist attacked. 

As the party was distracted by the buellete’s and cultists they didn’t see the two Formorians coming toward them on each side.  It was at this time Vael slipped the stone into Lurker’s bag,  Both Lurker and the attackers did not see it happen.  The fomorians quickly attacked Vael believing he was the one with the stone. 

Vael did his best to hold his own until he took a mighty blow to the ribs breaking most.  He fell to his knees and fired back a hellish rebuke “Harder Senpai”to which the Fomorian obliged him.  His body exploded.  As his torso flew through the air Lurker spotted a black raven fly toward the torso grabbed it and flew off again.

Dispatching one of the foes the fomorians attacked the rest of the party.  Hank stepped out of the party and created darkness around one of the fomorians.  Tonk followed it up with a spell.  The Fomorian heard the spell and attacked her rendering her unconscious. Hank saw a black raven land on Tonk after she fell.

At this time Lurker finished off one giant and both he and Hank took off away from the giant and began their attacks from afar.  The Giant, hearing the two heroes, made his way over toward them. 

Lurker transformed into an elk and bolted toward Tonk.  Hank made a mad dash toward her too.  They put her onto Lurker’s back and made a dash toward the cart.  Hank began running toward the cart with the giant in hot pursuit. 


As Lurker made it to the cart he notice it’s turned the opposite direction as they came in.  He also noticed five Druids from his clan. 

On the Road

The party made it back to town after spending some time resting in the Fungeon. 

They met up with two members of the Harpers and were told about a means of teleportation circles. 

They learned about the earth stone in Old stone.  The party decides to ditch the their original plan and headed to Old stone instead.

On their way they headed toward the the City of Nesme but were stopped just outside the city by a group of Zhent Thugs.  They told the Misfits to turn around and that the Duke wouldn’t appreciate the uninvited company.  The Misfits had none of this and killed the Thugs. 

The Fungeon!

The party makes it to the Troll in Flames when Oboth Thornsteel meets them and not so gently lets them know 1. He appreciated the delivery and feels slightly threatened to by the group. 2. He ensured the harpers will provide them a faster means of travel.  

  1. He told the group to ensure the flow of the black network moves on.  Lurker bucked up to Oboth but Oboth didn’t really feel threatened. 

After the party entered the Troll in Flames. They met a goblin named Loken. Loken told them of a place with lots of shinies.


The party after some talking, decided to go to this location.  They followed the directions Loken gave them and they ended up at a nice hunting cottage. They approached the cottage reluctantly and felt it looked the same as the one they met Deja Blu

The house sealed when all four were in the house.  And the Disco trap started.  After they solved the puzzle the floor opened to spiral staircase down.  

On the second level the party saw three kegs.  Lurker smashed one and was poking at another one when the barrel bit him and skeletons joined into the fray.  The Misfits dispatched of the baddies and found four black spots around the wall.  The solved this puzzle and tried to rest.  Skeletons wandered up and prevented the rest.  The party moved down and found a larger room. 

They saw two scarecrows on the opposite end of the room and the room had piles of gold and skeleton bones around the room.  


Tonk and Hank fell victim to a falling net trap.  Hank jumped out of the way but Tonk was stuck, skeletons stood up and began the attack.  

Tonk quickly dispatched the skeletons and the Scarecrows came into the fray when Lurker activated them with his thunderwave.  


As the party was dealing with the baddies Deja blu appeared and taunted the group.  When she showed up a wight showed up and  started attacking Tonk.  The party did their best to attack Deja but she BAMFd! Out of existence.  


Vael had a few words and he found out what was going on and why Deja knew the party.  The party ended up with a few magical items and almost killed Loken when he came to check on them. 




Friday, April 26, 2019


Upon arriving in Bargewright Inn the party came met with Chalaska Muruin, the unofficial leader of this hovel.  She let the party know she was appreciative for helping Shalvus and asked whether the party can send deliver more ale to Morbrien's Shield for which she will be most appreciative and know this party can be trusted as allies of the Zhents and Black Network.  She also hinted of a faster means of travel.  The party agreed to deliver the ale. 


While traveling around the party got the sense they were being watched but could not pinpoint where it was coming from. 

A day or two later while Kil'eth was standing watch her dog Ozzy sensed something went to investigate the area and yelped when it was frightened.  Fearing her dog was being attacked Kil'eth fireballed the area instigating an attack on an invisible stalker. 

The party dispatched the stalker and the night was calm again.


Friday, March 29, 2019

7:58 PM

Calub Narthinder made his presents known with Miro’s and spoke with the party to get his bearings. The party realized he’s part of the Pinkerton investigation service

After much scooby-dooing through goldenfield to evade Calub Narthinder Lurker did his best to get Calub off the scent.  The misfits caught up w/ Shalvus and headed out of town.


Along the route to Bargewright the party heard the sounds of an orc party.  They investigated and found a Half-elf wizard in a cage w/ a zombie dog.  The party assisted and freed the captive who they discovered was captured on purpose as part of a sexual escapade she sought to have.  She (Kil'eth) joined the party as they continued toward Bargewright

A Path is Chosen

As the night continues Vael took the stage and sung of the Misfits' adventure and the tale of the flying demon. He send a message to his friend Tory in Waterdeep as he played this song for the patrons of Nightfurrow's End. The place ERUPTED in applause and the song, literally, became an overnight sensation in Goldenfield and Waterdeep.

The next morning the party regrouped and went shopping. The picked up a map and spoke with Shalvus where they learned of a request to take him to Bargewright Inn and from there to XXXXX escorting a few barrels of Ale.

While wandering around town Lifferlas told Lurker of the Moon Elf Druid who awakened him and where to find him. Both these paths were up north.

Vael and Lurker started to talk and Vael decided to join their party. He was telling them about Waterdeep and the wonders of the city when Lurker let him know the party may be avoiding Waterdeep at all costs.

While in the Nightfurrow's end they spoke with Naxene. She let them know to seek out her friend in Waterdeep who would have more information. Through her studies she recognized the signs that things are amiss with the giants. She believed something is happening with the Ordening and heard rumors about Dodkong a Giant Lich.

As the party continued their planning and was going to turn in for the evening a Male red dragonborn dressed in full plate came into the inn looking tired. He mentioned he rode all day from Waterdeep to find out more about this flying demon of Goldenfield.

Giants ATTACK!

The Town of Goldenfield was attacked by hill giants and a large group of minions.  With the help of some local towns folk the attack was thwarted.  Lurker once again used a very powerful Thunderwave to kill three bugbears.  He also used windwall to keep the enemies at bay and prevent arrows from going through it.  The hill giants Lob and Ogg hurled rocks and attacked Hank, who was flying at the time.  Vael made a dash toward the abbey.  He told the Abbot what was happened and the Abbot fled to ring the Abbey bell and sound the alarm. Not knowing the Abbot's intention Vael attempted to keep the abbot from raising alarm.  The Abbot groaned at the bad Squid joke and raised the alarm.  The Gong's went out throughout the wall and more townsfolk and guards came to thwart the other attackers.

Seeing the writing on the wall and after nearly defeating Ogg, He surrendered as did Lob.  They told the Misfits they were sent by Guh to find food and bring it to her.  The both walked away empty handed.  As the enemies fled Captain Thunderblade took credit for defeating the raiders and belittled the efforts the of Misfits.  The Abbot reassured the party their deeds will be remembered. 

The fighters all went back to the Northfurrow's End to celebrate.  Tonk and Shalvus spent a few hours creating a beast w/ two backs and Tonk fell asleep and was chastised by her God Ollidemora for the pact she made and for not causing as much mischief as she could. 

As Shalvus was walking out later in the evening, he told Hank to find him later.  Lurker went for a walk in the fields. Vael played on stage and Hank and Miros drank the night away.

Clouds to Gold

Our heroes are in transit via cloud castle. While in transit a group of vulture riders came to speak with Zephyros.  They walked in, talked down to the heroes and made an offer of dust to the Giant.  Lurker got into the face of one of cultists and he was having none of it.  Lurker killed seven cultists with a very powerful thunderwave but was hit by something invisible.  The party made quick work of the Riders as Zephyros looked on from above.  He gave the party the dust and the party looted a smiling bag of holding. 

The party was dropped off Near golden field and Zephyros kept Tink back after reading an ill omen had he continued on w/ the Misfits.  Reluctantly Tink stays on the cloud tower and hocks a loogie at his sister.

The party enters Golden field are impressed with the vast array of food being grown/raised there.  They wonder toward the town center and to meet Miros. Along the way they see an awaken tree Lifferlas and hear some lute playing from Vael'estist.  The group follow vael to the Northfurrow's End Inn where Vael and Oren get in a musical Duel and Vael ends up victorious. 

The Misfits tell Miros about his dead parents and he takes it hard.  They drink to their memories and start to relax.  As the night winds on Oren, already drunk, stumbles in white a ghost and yells they city is under attack.  Miros grabs his club and walks outside along with other patrons of the NE. The party steps outside to see a Two ogres a group of Goblins and bugbears with a mission to pillage. 

The Pink and Cloud

The party reunites with Xu'tinks and reluctantly retells the story of what happened to him while the rest of the party was away.  The Heroes collect the people of Nightstone and help them back to town.  They speak with Morak who lets them know he will be staying in town and rebuilding his inn. 

  • He also tells them about Sheriff Southwell up in Bryn Shander who may will help Lurker figure out what's going on with his pack. 

The party stays in town and helps the villagers settle in.  They get a package with two healing potions from Destiny. 

  • She lets them know that Darthag's ex wife lives in Triboar and to please let her know of her Exhusband's passing.

While wandering through the town they encounter Rillix the Tryssem and he hops into MORAK's arms then curls around HANK's feet before jumping to his shoulder.  MORAK tells the crew:

  • Miros lives in Goldenfields.  He was the son of the late Xelbrins.  He owns an inn in Goldenfields and would really appreciate the news.

While farting around in town deciding where to go they are introduced to Captain Royce Pinkerton, an investigator and he is flanked by four other "guards" They talk with Morak and Morak points to the party.  Pinkerton asks the group about the whereabouts of Godfrey Beamer as this group was last scene with them.  They provide a "reasonable" excuse.  And Pinkerton asks if they have any more information to find  him in Waterdeep. 

Morak lets the group know they are people of interest based on an eye witness to Beamer's disappearance.  Through some more prodding Lurker found out Morak made a deal with the Zhenatrim  to keep Nightstone together. 


The Party depart and travel for about a day all the while ensuring they are not followed. 

When they rest  Tonk sees of in the distance a large object on a cloud in the sky.  Tink takes over the watch and falls asleep.  When the party wakes the see the Tower 1000' above them and a set of stairs leading toward their camp about 100' away. 

They climb the steps and meet Zephryos an eccentric Cloud Giant.  He fills the party in on the shattering of the ordning Their and rolls in helping re-establish it.

He tells Lurker His pack were defacto protectors of the woodstone, as the Nanders were defacto protectors of the Nightstone.  Two other stones of fire and ice exist in the world and are being hunted down by an evil Giant Lich. He told the party He felt the ordning's destruction had something to do with Imeryth an Ancient Blue Dragon.  

Zephryos has offered to take the group to Goldenfield which they accept. 

Hark, Misfits find Family

After dispatching her mate the Female Ogre charges the first thing she sees.  A half-orc cleric.  She doesn't realize it's an illusion. She attacks and is held by a spell cast by Lurker.  The party dispatches the Female Ogre.  They wonder in the cave and find the villagers in one of the caves.  While chatting w/ Mordak they learn a few villagers to include Xu'Tinks were taken to fight Boss Hark's pet rats.  All that leave never come back. While they find this information out a goblin snuck up behind the adventurers and lets them know if they dispatch Boss Hark.

The adventures make their way to the Boss Harks cave and see giant rats devouring  Darthag the owner of the coster.  Destiny was to do battle with the rats when the party attacks.  They battle the Boss and one of his guards flees in terror before seeing her boss be killed by the adventurers they see where the other prisoners are being held when The see Xu'tinks looking pretty beat up greet his sister with a snide comment about not waiting for him. 


David Ray OlivasClients’ ChoiceAward 2020