The Misfits

The heroes, making the Hag's bargain see Jehanna come down from an ethereal box.  She is scared and wants to get back to Nightstone. Tonk, hearing the news that Nightstone is being attack rushes out the door knowing her brother is in danger.  The other two follow suit only to be surrounded by bandits who use this house as a resting place.  They see that Beamer had been killed and want to know what they're going to do regarding the dead noble.  Hank goes in cuts off Beamer's head and walked out of the cottage w/ Beamer's head in toe.  They take a fast pace back to Nightstone and get back after dark. 

The Town is in shambles. They enter and do battle w/ Goblins and Worgs.  While searching the Nightstone Inn they find Kella hiding and help her out.

They head to the keep and find out that Lady Nandar was killed in the attack and that the townsfolk head to dripping springs cave for shelter.  Before taking off to the caves the Flying snakes search for Kella and with the help of the "Misfits" Kella and Xolkin are reuinted. 

Kella and the guards tell the Misfits the town was attacked by cloud giants. Who took the Nighstone.

In the midst of talking they hear Orcs outside. They raise the drawbridge and keep the orc from attacking.  Wood elves came and cleaned up the orcs. 

Heroes don't rest but head toward the caves.

While in the caves Lurker sneaks in and sees a mud pit further in and sees five goblins hanging out in on a ledge.  He climbs the ledge and attacks the five goblins knocking off three killing one.  It alerted an ogre in the bath and he nearly killed Hank.  The other goblins attacked Lurker and knocked him out.  Tonk revived both and the Ogre  was finished off. As the Ogre falls they hear a yell coming from further in the cave and see another Ogre approaching after seeing her mate was killed at the hands of these intruders. 

A bargain is struck

Players were in Nightstone where they met Lady Velrosa and heard a little business going on.  Hank snuck a glance at the minutes and read about a missing girl. Hank was also mistaken for Grin (a local teifling)

Tonk and her brother were in the great hall when a Shifter was brought in by Rond Arrowhome the wood elves that live in Ardeep Forest.

Lurker doesn't remember much but seemed very injured and almost feral.  Lady Velrosa had Godfrey Beamer a local noble and aspiring champion take Lurker with the help of Tonk and her brother to Destiny Agganor for healing. 

Beamer chats up Tonk and he tells them about the missing girl and things to do in nightstone to include the inn.


Beamer, Tonk (and bro), Lurker, all end up at the inn and meet Morak the Inn-keeper and have a few drink.  They meet Kella (tonk does) and Kella is reclusive and wanders back to her room. Morak  let's Lurker know if he wants more information about his clan/pack he should seek Sheriff Southwell in Bryn Shander, his sister is in town. She come in later.

They meet Lathan who is retired and married to Mantha the record keeper. 

They meet The grandpa of the missing 12yo.


They interview the twin boys and the family of the missing girl before setting out w/ Beamer leading. Brother stayed behind to procure rooms.

Along the road they were attacked by Giant Hornets who took Hank down.  He got back up after being healed by Tonk and killed the hornets. 

After a day's travel they made it to the cottage and Lurker could smell the girl in the cottage. It appeared abandoned.  They entered and found a trap door under the table.  Lurker and Beamer went into the basement and noticed an alter and gore of something evil that had taken place. Lurker found another trap door leading outside.

While Hank and Tonk were in the house they heard whispering in their ears.

 when all three adventurers were in the room Dejablu walked out of the bed room just as beamer closed the trap door, locking it. Beamer came to join them afterward. 

Deja mentioned the girl is her girl.  Hank recognized her as a Nighthag.

Deja tried to make a deal w/ the party and Beamer wanted his deal honored since he brought her more participant.  Hank Flung a hand axe at Beamer splitting his head open.

Deja cackled and revealed her true form.  Blasted each member w/ a magic missile and taunted them.

She offered them a deal instead of fighting her and for the girl.  She would grant them either a glimpse into the future or a wondrous item.

Hank took the deal - and got a flask that won't get him intoxicated.

For this he must corrupt Abe at a moment of her choosing.

Tonk took the deal - and got a hat of vermin

For this she forfeit a death saving through at a moment of her choosing.

Lurker took the deal - and got a glimpse into the future.  She let him know the attack on his village was part of a bigger plan.  A plan that includes the stealing of the Nightstone, which is happening at this very moment.


With that she vanished.

David Ray OlivasClients’ ChoiceAward 2020